What is the SHPF- Société de l’Histoire du Protestantisme Français
Founded in 1852 the French Protestant Historical Society is one of the oldest learned societies in France -The State Council declared it a public service on 13 July 1870. Its aim is to gather, preserve and publish documents about the history of French Protestantism, but also to develop research in the field.
To ensure the double, patrimonial and scientific, mission, the SHPF has kept a large library in the centre of Paris at 54 rue des Saints Pères, since 1885. It publishes a quarterly magazine Revue d’Histoire du protestantisme (Magazine of the History of Protestantism) -formerly called historical and literary bulletin of the French Protestant Society -, to be found in Gallica and major magazine databases.
With 100,000 volumes and manuscript plus iconographic holdings, the Bibliothèque du protestantisme français (Library of French Protestantism) has become the main research centre on Protestantism in French, welcomes students as well as French and foreign researchers.
The library is intended to receive papers from institutions, from private individuals and leading figures of French Protestantism, to preserve and highlight the documents. The Centre de généalogie protestante (Centre for Protestant Genealogy) of the SHPF has a similar aim.
The property policy of the SHPF also concerns museums, situated in Protestant historical places, such as the musée du Désert in Mialet (Gard region) and the musée Jean Calvin in Noyon (Oise region).
The SHPF along with the Eugène Bersier Foundation has created the Musée virtuel du protestantisme (Virtual Museum of Protestantism). It also co-hosts the European Network of Museums of Protestantism.
Committee of the SHPF, its members
President: Isabelle SABATIER, consr gal des bibliothèques.
Vice-President: Marianne CARBONNIER-BURKARD, m.d.c. hre IPT.
Secretary General: Jean-Hugues CARBONNIER, avocat.
Treasurer: François MATTER.
Deputy members of the board:
Hubert BOST, Président E.P.H.E.
Antoine DURRLEMAN, Pdt ch. Cour des comptes (Finances).
Corinne GIBELLO-BERNETTE, conservateur BnF (Bibliothèque).
Henri ZUBER, arch. Paléographe (Fonds Ferdinand de Schickler).
Honorary members: Victor BEYER, Michel LEPLAY. Christian de POURTALÈS.
Pierre-Emmanuel AUDAP, commissaire-priseur.
Jean BAUBÉROT, dir.d’Et. hre EPHE.
Nicolas BOISSONNAS, Pdt de sociétés
Alain BOYER, préfet hre.
Pierre de BOUSQUET de FLORIAN, préfet.
Patrick CABANEL, dir.d’Et. EPHE.
Gabrielle CADIER, m.d.c. em. Univ. Paris 4.
Denis CARBONNIER, avocat aux conseils.
Catherine COSTE, Pdte association François Guizot-Val Richer.
Bernard COTTRET, Pr em.Univ.Versailles-St-Quentin.
André ENCREVÉ, Pr em.Univ. Paris XII.
Denis FAURE, admr. de sociétés
Jean-Claude GARRETA, arch. paléographe
Janine GARRISSON, Pr hre Univ. Limoges.
Pierre-Yves GAUTIER, Pr Univ. Paris 2.
Frank LESTRINGANT, Pr Univ. Paris 4.
Marc LIENHARD, Pr.ém.Univ. Strasbourg.
Paul LIENHARDT, pasteur.
Michel MARION, consr gal des bibliothèques.
Olivier MILLET, Pr Univ. Paris 4.
Annie NOBLESSE-ROCHER, Pr Univ. Strasbourg.
Bernard ROUSSEL, dir.d’Et. hre EPHE.
Laurent SCHLUMBERGER, pasteur.
Laurent THEIS, Pdt hre SHPF.
Denis VATINEL, pasteur.
Paul VIALLANEIX, Pr hre Univ. Clermont-Ferrand.
Bernard VOGLER, Pr em. Univ. Strasbourg.
Edith WEBER, Pr.ém.à la Sorbonne.
Jean-Paul WILLAIME, dir. d’Et.em. EPHE.
Associate members:
Arnaud BAUBÉROT, m. de c. Univ. Paris XII.
Chrystel BERNAT, m.d.c. IPT Montpellier.
Neal BLOUGH, Pr Fac. th. Vaux-sur-Seine.
Céline BORELLO, Pr Univ. du Maine.
François BOULET, agrégé d’Univ.
Philippe BÜTTGEN, Pr Univ. Paris 1.
Sylvie CADIER, arch. paléographe.
Philippe CHAREYRE, Pr Univ. Pau
Françoise CHEVALIER.
Olivier CORDEY.
Sébastien FATH, dir. rech. CNRS.
Daniel FRIES, Pr des Univ.
Christiane GUTTINGER.
Patrick HARISMENDY, Pr Univ. Rennes 2.
Pierre-Yves KIRSHLEGER, m.d.c. Univ. Montpellier.
Pierre-Olivier LÉCHOT, m.d.c. IPT Paris.
François MARCHAUD.
Christian de MONTBRISON.
Michèle MOULIN,consr gal des bibliothèques.
Didier POTON DE XAINTRAILLES, Pr ém. Univ. La Rochelle
Catherine SECRETAN, dir. Rech. CNRS.
Gilles VIDAL, m.d.c. IPT Montpellier.
Christian WOLFF, arch. paléographe.
Jean-François ZORN, Pr em. IPT Montpellier.
Valentine ZUBER, dir.d’et. EPHE.
Emidio CAMPI, Pr. Univ. Zurich.
Dieter COERTZEN, Pdt de The Huguenot Society of South Africa.
Olivier FATIO, Pr Univ. Genève.
Thomas KAUFMANN, Pr Univ. Göttingen.
Simone SAXER, Berne.
Rémy SCHEURER, Pr. Univ. de Neuchâtel.
Ruth WHELAN, Pr. Univ. Maynooth (Irl.).
presidents of Huguenot Societies…
Société genevoise en faveur des protestants disséminés
Association suisse pour l’histoire du refuge huguenot
Société royale d’histoire du protestantisme belge
Société huguenote des Pays-Bas
Huguenot Society of America
Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Deutsche hugenotten Gesellschaft
Gustav-Adolf Werk
Fondazione Centro Culturale Valdese