Le colportage biblique dans la France rurale catholique de la Restauration à la fin du Second Empire
After 1815, biblical peddling in catholic rural France knows tentative beginnings with the help of British and Swiss Biblical societies. During the July monarchy, it enjoys a quick expansion thanks to the newly launched evangelical societies of France and of…
Un « moment protestant » de l’Institut de France : le concours sur la Réformation de 1802
Three days before the Concordat was signed, on 5 April 1802, The Class of Moral and Political Sciences of the National Institute launched a prize contest entitled: “What was the influence of Luther’s Reformation upon the political state of the…
Reliques et miracles. Continuité de la controverse antipapiste au XIXe siècle en France
The revival of the cult of relics in French Catholicism starting in 1815 elicited a vigorous response from the Protestants. While liberal quarters for the most part kept silent on this popular phenomenon, the evangelical camp produced numerous works written…